Exploratorium Trust ($100,000 and above)

As an Exploratorium Trust donor, you join a distinguished group of Exploratorium patrons. Counted among our most generous donors, members of the Trust empower the Exploratorium to better carry out its mission of empowering people to think for themselves—both locally and globally. Your insight, inspiration, and engagement are essential ingredients to our success.

Donation Amount

Other Amount ($10 Minimum):   


List my name as follows for recognition purposes:

I wish to be recognized as Anonymous.

I'd like to make this gift a tribute :

Leave a Legacy

I have already included the Exploratorium in my estate plan. Please enroll me in the Oppenheimer Circle.

Please send me information on making a bequest or other estate gift.

Special Gift Instructions

Questions? Please contact the Annual Giving Manager at development@exploratorium.edu or at 415.528.4866.

Total Gift:
$ 0.00

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